
/ About us/ Position: Frontend developer (coder)

We are looking for front-end developer to build teamplates for our web applications & open-source CMS Folio. We offer a position in a stable team with clear job description and responsibilities. We have described our project approach to application development in this article.

Sinfin specializes in web application design and implementation, from wireframing, to graphic design, Ruby on Rails programming and deployment. In addition, we run our own online photo lab

We offer

  • Laptop of your choice (Macbook / ThinkPad / other).
  • Work in a experienced and creative team.
  • Valuable professional experience.
  • Personal and professional development.
  • Flexible working hours with the option of home-office.
  • Motivating financial compensation according to skills and the market situation.
  • Budget for education.

Required skills

  • Ability to code HTML5/CSS3/JS templates (Bootstrap 4, flex).
  • Coding of JS Single Page applications without advanced CSS is not enough for the position.
  • At least basic knowledge of technologies such as Git and a command line.
  • Independence in solving assigned tasks and ability to propose solutions.
  • Diligence and conscientiousness.

Prefered skills

  • Knowledge of React.js and SPA writing in general.
  • Knowledge of Ruby, or Ruby on Rails, is not necessary.

We use

  • jQuery + CoffeeScript, for more sophisticated JS stuff React.js and Ember.js.
  • Slim templates, component approach via Trailblazer Cells.
  • SCSS using BEM methodology.

Contact us

If you are interested, please write to us at Please include a link to reference projects or a Github profile.